Nicholas of Cusa (1401-64)

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Primary Sources

Book or monograph Nicholas of Cusa: The Catholic ConcordanceNicholas of Cusa, The Catholic Concordance, Paul E. Sigmund, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pbk. ISBN: 0521567734. pp.375.
Book or monograph Nicholas of Cusa, On Learned Ignorance. Jasper Hopkins, translator. Minneapolis: Arthur J Banning Press, 1985. Hbk. ISBN: 0938060236.
Book or monograph Nicholas of Cusa, God as Not-Other, 2nd edn. Jasper Hopkins, translator. Minneapolis: Arthur J Banning Press, 1983. Hbk. ISBN: 0938060384.
Book or monograph Nicholas of Cusa, Nicholas of Cusa's Dialectical Mysticism, 2nd edn. Jasper Hopkins, translator. Minneapolis: Arthur J Banning Press, 1988. Hbk. ISBN: 0938060392. pp.397.
Book or monograph James E. Biechler & H.Lawrence Bond, translators. Nicholas of Cusa on Interreligious Harmony, Texts and Studies in Religion, 55. Edwin Mellen Press, 1991.Hbk. ISBN: 0889467366. pp.253.
Book or monograph Nicholas of Cusa, The Vision of God. Emma Gurney-Salter, translator. London / New York: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. / E. P. Dutton & Co, 1928. pp. xxx + 130.
Book or monograph Nicholas of Cusa: Selected WritingsNicholas of Cusa, Selected Writings. Classics of Western Spirituality, H. Lawrence Bond, translator. New York: Paulist Press, 1997. Hbk. ISBN: 0809136988.
Book or monograph Nicholas of Cusa, Unity and Reform. J.P. Dolan, translator. Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press, 1962. Hbk. ISBN: 0268002878.

Secondary Sources

Article in Journal or Book James E. Biechler, "Nicholas of Cusa and the End of the Conciliar Movement," Church History 44.1 (1975): 5-21.
Article in Journal or Book James E. Biechler, "Christian Humanism Confronts Islam: Sifting the Quran With Nicholas of Cusa," Journal of Ecumenical Studies 13.1 (1976): 1-14.
Book or monograph James E Biechler, Religious Language of Nicholas of Cusa. Scholars Press, US, 1982. Pbk. ISBN: 089130021X. pp.240.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence Bond, "Nicholas of Cusa: 'On Presidential Authority in a General Council'," Church History 59.1 (1990): 19-34.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Casarella, "Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa: An Introduction," Communio: International Catholic Review 28.4 (2001): 843-853.
Book or monograph B. Christianson & T.M. Izbicki, Nicholas of Cusa: in Search of God and Wisdom. Leiden: E J Brill, 1991. Hbk. ISBN: 9004093621. pp.298.
Book or monograph Gerald Christianson & Thomas Izbicki, eds. Nicholas of Cusa on Christ and the Church. Leiden: E J Brill, 1996. Hbk. ISBN: 9004105190. pp.352.
Book or monograph Nicholas of Cusa and the RenaissanceF. Edward Cranz, Thomas M. Izbicki & Gerald Christianson, eds. Nicholas of Cusa and the Renaissance. Variorum, 2000. Hbk. ISBN: 0860788016. pp.220.
Article in Journal or Book Donald F. Duclow, "Gregory of Nyssa and Nicholas of Cusa: Infinity, Anthropology and the Via Negativa," Downside Review 92.2 (1974): 102-108.
Article in Journal or Book M.L. Fuhrer, "Purgation, Illumination, and Perfection in Nicholas of Cusa," Downside Review 98(332): (1980): 169-189.
Article in Journal or Book Henry Heller, "Nicholas of Cusa and Early French Evangelicalism," Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte 63.1 (1972): 6-21.
Article in Journal or Book Erwin R. Gane, "The Intellect-Will Problem in the Thought of Some Northern Renaissance Humanists: Nicholas of Cusa," Andrews University Seminary Studies 12.2 (1974): 83-93.
Article in Journal or Book William J. Hoye, "The Meaning of Neoplatonism in the Thought of Nicholas of Cusa," Downside Review 104(354) (1986): 10-18.
Book or monograph Thomas M. Izbicki & Christopher M. Bellitto, eds. Nicholas of Cusa and His Age: Intellect and Spirituality. Leiden: E J Brill, 2002. Hbk. ISBN: 9004125574. pp.285.
Article in Journal or Book E.F. Jacob, "Nicolas of Cusa" F.J.C. Hearnshaw, ed. The Political and Social Ideas of Some Great Thinkers of the Renaissance and Reformation. 1925. 32-59.
Article in Journal or Book E.F. Jacob, "Casunas the Theologian," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 21 (1937): 406-24.
Book or monograph Raymond Klibansky, The Continuity of the Platonic Tradition During the Middle Ages. Outlines of a Corpus Platonicum Medii Aevi. London: Kraus International Publications, 1982. Hbk. ISBN: 0527501301.
Article in Journal or Book Raymond Klibansky, "Plato's Parmenides in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance," Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies 1 (1943): 281-330.
Article in Journal or Book Peter L. McDermott, "Nicholas of Cusa: Continuity and Conciliation at the Council of Basel," Church History 67.2 (1998): 254-273.
Article in Journal or Book John Milbank, "Man as Creative and Historical Being in the Theology of Nicholas of Cusa," Downside Review 97(329) (1979): 245-259.
Article in Journal or Book C.L. Miller, "Aristolelian Natura and Nicholas of Cusa," Downside Review 96(322): (1978): 13-20.
Article in Journal or Book Julie C. Norman, "Nicholas of Cusa, Apostolate of Unity," Downside Review 99(334) (1981): 59-74.
Article in Journal or Book Sebastian Painadath, "Coincidentia Oppositorum: Nicholas of Cusa in Search of the Harmony of Religions," Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 60.7 (1996): 455-460.
Article in Journal or Book Nicholas Rescher, "Nicholas of Cusa on the Qur'an - A Fifteenth Century WEncounter With Islam," Muslim World 55 (1965): 195-202.
Book or monograph Paul Eugene Sigmunde, Nicholas of Cusa and Medieval Political Thought. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1963.
Book or monograph Morimichi Watanabe, The Political Ideas of Nicholas of Cusa, with speical reference to his De concordantia catholica. Travaux d'humanisme et renaissance, 58. Geneva: Ambilly-Annemasse, 1963. pp.214.
Article in Journal or Book Morimichi Watanabe, "The Episcopal Election of 1430 in Trier and Nicholas of Cusa," Church History 39.3 (1970): 299-316.
Book or monograph Yamaki: Nicholas of CusaKazuhiko Yamaki, ed. Nicholas of Cusa. Routledge / Curzon, 2001. Hbk. ISBN: 0700716718. pp.288.

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