HILDEGARDE, St., b. in the castle of Böckelheim, 1098; was educated in the Benedictine nunnery of Disibodenberg, by Jutta von Sponhelm, whom she succeeded as abbess in 1136; and founded in 1147 the monastery of Rupertsberg, where she died in 1178. She received prophetical visions; and, as these were recognized by the Church, she came gradually to occupy a very exceptional position, and to exercise a very extraordinary influence, in the German Church. She is commemorated on Sept. 17, but she was never canonized. Her writings, Scicias (first printed in Paris, 1513, and Cologne, 1628), Liber Divinorum Operum, Explanatio Regulæ S. Benedicti, Physica (nine books), Letters, etc., are found in Migne: Patrol., T. 197. Her life was written by STILTING, in A. S. Boll. art 17 Sept., and by DAUL, Mayence, 1832. Complete bibliographical information is found in LINDE: Die Handsch. d. Landesh. in Wiesbaden, Wiesb., 1877. [See also RICHAUD: Sainte Hildegarde, Aix, 1876.]
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