Augustine of Canterbury by Edward L. Cutts
Today’s free book is Edward L. Cutts biography of Augustine of Canterbury. This public domain title was digitised from the copy held in Spurgeon’s College library.
Edward Lewes Cutts [1824-1901], Augustine of Canterbury. London: Methuen & Co., 1895. Hbk. pp.207. [Click here to visit the download page for this title]
Table of Contents
- Chronological Table
- Pegigree of the Kings of Kent
- Pedigree of the Frank Kings
- Table of Bishops
- The Rome of Gregory the Great
- Gregory the Great
- The Yorkshire Boys in the Roman Forum
- The Departure of the Mission
- At Marseilles
- The Journey Through France
- Eng;and in 596 A.D.
- The Reception of the Mission
- The Success of the Work
- Gregory’s Instructions
- Establishment of the Church in Canterbury
- The Arrival of the Second Body of Missioners
- THe History of the Pall
- Gregory’s Letters, to Augustine on his Miracles, and to Ethelbert
- The Beginnings of the Library of the English Church
- The Old Temples and Churches
- The Foundation of the Monastery of SS. Peter and Paul
- The Negociation with the English Church
- The Endeavour to Extend the Church to the Other English Kingdoms
- The Epicopacy of Laurentius
- The Death of Ethelbert; the Apostasy
- The Mission to Northumbria
- Progress of the Work in Northumbria
- The Episopate of Honorius
- The Kentish Monasteries
- Archbishop Theodore
Main image: Great Gate of St. Augustine’s Abbey. Source: Wikipedia