Introduction to the History of Christianity A.D. 590-1314 by F J Foakes Jackson
Today’s free book is F J Foakes-Jackson’s history of the Medieval Church, which covers the period 590-1314 AD. This public domain title was digitised from the copy held in Spurgeon’s College library.
Frederick John Foakes Jackson [1855-1941], An Introduction to the History of Christianity A.D. 590-1314. London: MacMillan & Co. Ltd., 1921. Hbk. pp.390. [Click here to visit the download page for this title]
- Preface
- The Pillars of the Medieval Church
- The Church and the Empire
- The So-Called Dark Ages
- The Church Emopire of the West
- The Revival and Reorganisation of Papacy
- The Crusades
- Learning and Heresy in the Early Middle Ages
- The Medieval Church as a Disciplinary Institution
- The Friars—The Schoolmen—The Universities
- The Papacy and the House of Hohenstaufen
- The French Monarchy and the Papacy
- England
- A Survey of Society
- Dante and the Decay of Medievalism
- Important Popes
- Index
Main image: Conquest Of Constantinople By The Crusaders In 1204. Source: Wikipedia