Conquest Of Constantinople By The Crusaders In 1204

Introduction to the History of Christianity A.D. 590-1314 by F J Foakes Jackson

Today’s free book is F J Foakes-Jackson’s history of the Medieval Church, which covers the period 590-1314 AD. This public domain title was digitised from the copy held in Spurgeon’s College library. Frederick John Foakes Jackson [1855-1941], An Introduction to the History of Christianity A.D. 590-1314. London: MacMillan & Co. Ltd., 1921. Hbk. pp.390. [Click…

St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican

History of Gregory the Seventh by Abel-François Villemain

Today’s free book is a detailed two-volume study of the life of Gregory the Seventh, a medieval Pope, whose papacy had great historical significance.on later history. This public domain title was scanned from the copy held in Spurgeons College library. M. Abel-François Villemain [1790-1870], Life of Gregory the Seventh, Preceded by a Sketch of the…