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124 Documents Relating to English Church History

Today’s free book would prove useful to anyone doing any serious study on the history of the English church. It contains no less than 124 documents (listed below) compiled from original sources. This public domain title was digitised using a copy held in Spurgeon’s College library.

Henry Gee [1858-1938] & John William Hardy [1857-1919], Documents Illustrative of English Church History, Compiled from Original Sources. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1921. Hbk. pp.670. [Click here to visit the download page for this title]


  • Preface
  1. 314. The British Signatories at the Council of Aries
  2. 598. Letter of Gregory the Great to Eulogius
  3. 601. Answers of Gregory the Great to St. Augustine of Canterbury
  4. 601. Gregory the Great’s Scheme of English Diocesan Organization
  5. 673. Council of Hertford
  6. 680. Council of Hatfield
  7. 747. The Canons of Cloveshoo
  8. 787. Synods held at Chelsea and elsewhere
  9. 803. Abolition of the Metropolitan Dignity of Lichfield
  10. 855. The Donation of Ethelwulf
  11. 927. Tithe Ordinance of Athelstan
  12. 943. Selections from the Constitutions of Odo
  13. 1072. Settlement of the Primacy Dispute
  14. 1075. Canons of the Council of London under Lanfranc
  15. 1076? Letter of William the Conqueror to Pope Gregory VII
  16. ? The Conqueror’s Mandate for dividing the Civil and Church Courts
  17. ? William and the Royal Supremacy
  18. 1100, Henry’s Letter to Anselm
  19. 1102. Canons of the Council of \Vestminster
  20. 1107. The Compromise of Investitures
  21. 1108. Canons of Anselm at London
  22. 1136. Second Charter of Stephen
  23. 1164. The Constitutions of Clarendon
  24. 1208. Answer of Innocent III concerning the Interdict
  25. 1213. John’s Surrender of the Kingdom to the Pope
  26. 1214. John’s Ecclesiastical Charter
  27. 1215. The Church Clauses of Magna Carta
  28. 1279. The Mortmain Act
  29. 1285. The Writ ‘Circumspecte agatis’
  30. 1295. Ecclesiastical Summons to Parliament
  31. 1296. The ‘Clericis Laicos’ Bull
  32. 1301. The Barons’ Letter to the Pope from Lincoln
  33. 1307. The Statute of Carlisle
  34. 1316. The ‘Articuli Cieri’ of A.D. 1316
  35. 1353. The First Statute of Praemunire
  36. 1377. Letter of Pope Gregory XI to Archbishop Sudbury, and the Bishop of London, directing proceedings against Wycliffe
  37. 1382. Wyclitfe Propositions condemned at London
  38. 1384. Letters Patent against the Lollards
  39. 1390. The Second Statute of Provisors
  40. 1393. The Second Statute of Praemunire
  41. 1394. The Lollard Conclusions
  42. 1401. The Act ‘De Haeretico Comburendo’
  43. 1401. The Royal Writ for the Burning of Sawtre
  44. 1428. Remonstrance against the Legatine Powers of Cardinal Beaufort
  45. 1455. Archbishop Bourchier’s Commission for Reforming the Clergy
  46. 1532. The Petition of the Commons
  47. 1532. The Answer of the Ordinaries
  48. 1532. The Submission of the Clergy
  49. 1532. The Conditional Restraint of Annates
  50. 1533. The Restraint of Appeals
  51. 1534. The Submission of the Clergy and Restraint of Appeals
  52. 1534. The Ecclesiastical Appointments Act, &c.
  53. 1534. Act forbidding Papal Dispensations and the Payment of Peter’s Pence
  54. 1534. The First Act of Succession
  55. 1534. The Supremacy Act
  56. 1534. The Second Act of Succession
  57. 1534. The Treasons Act
  58. 1534. Abjuration of Papal Supremacy by the Clergy
  59. 1534. Suffragan Bishops Act
  60. 1534? Note on the Appointment of Crumwell as Vicar-General
  61. 1536. Act for the Dissolution of the Smaller Monasteries
  62. 1536. The First Royal Injunctions of Henry VIII
  63. 1538. The Second Royal Injunctions of Henry VIII
  64. 1539. Act for the Dissolution of the Greater Monasteries
  65. 1539. The Six Articles Act
  66. 1540. Deed of Surrender of Westminster Abbey
  67. 1547. Act against Revilers, and for Receiving in both Kinds
  68. 1547. Act dissolving the Chantries
  69. 1549. The First Edwardine Act of Uniformity
  70. 1549, Marriage of Priests legalized
  71. 1552. The Second Edwardine Act of Uniformity
  72. 1553, Mary’s First Proclamation about Religion
  73. 1553. Mary’s First Act of Repeal
  74. 1554. The Injunctions of Mary
  75. 1554. Revival of the Heresy Acts
  76. 1554. Mary’s Second Act of Repeal
  77. 1558. Elizabeth’s Proclamation to forbid Preaching &c.
  78. 1559. The Injunctions of Elizabeth
  79. 1559. Elizabeth’s Supremacy Act restoring Ancient Jurisdiction, &c.
  80. 1559. Elizabeth’s Act of Uniformity
  81. 1566. The Advertisements
  82. 1571. Selection from the Canons of 1571
  83. 1571. The Subscription (Thirty-nine Articles) Act
  84. 1583. Articles touching Preachers and other Orders for the Church
  85. 1585. Act against Jesuits and Seminarists
  86. 1593. The Act against Puritans
  87. 1593. The Act against Recusants
  88. 1603. The Millenary Petition
  89. 1604. James’ Proclamation for the Use of the Book of Common Prayer
  90. 1622. Directions concerning Preachers
  91. 1608. The King’s Declaration prefixed to the Articles of Religion
  92. 1609. Resolutions on Religion presented by a Committee of the House of Commons
  93. 1633. The King’s Majesty’s Declaration to his Subjects concerning Lawful Sports to be used
  94. 1633. The Privy Council and the Position of the Communion Table at St. Gregory’s
  95. 1640. Note on the Canons of 1640
  96. 1640. The Etcaetera Oath
  97. 1640. The Root and Branch Petition
  98. 1641. The Protestation of 1641
  99. 1641. Act for the Abolition of the Court of High Commission
  100. 1641. Resolutions of the House of Commons on Ecclesiastical Innovations
  101. 1641. Order of the Lords concerning the Services of the Church
  102. 1641. Selections from the Petition and the Grand Remonstrance
  103. 1641. The King’s Proclamation on Religion
  104. 1642. The Clerical Disabilities Act
  105. 1642. The Declaration of the Houses on Church Reform
  106. 1642-6. Selection from the York, Oxford, and Newcastle Propositions
  107. 1643. The Solemn League and Covenant
  108. 1649. Selections from the Agreement of the People
  109. 1650. The Engagement
  110. 1653. Selections from the Instrument of Government
  111. 1654. The Commission of Triers
  112. Selection from Cromwell’s Proclamation
  113. 1657. Selections from the Humble Petition and Advice
  114. 1660. The Declaration of Breda
  115. 1661. Order for the Savoy Conference
  116. 1661. The Corporation Act
  117. 1662. The Uniformity Act
  118. 1665.The.Five Mile Act
  119. 1670. The Second Conventicle Act
  120. 1673. The Test Act
  121. 1687. The Declaration of Indulgence
  122. 1689. The Bill of Rights
  123. 1689. The Toleration Act
  124. 1700. The Act of Settlement

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