Stained glass representing Bernard. Upper Rhine, ca. 1450

St Bernard of Clairvaux by Richard S. Storrs

Richard Salter Storrs [1821-1900], Bernard of Clairvaux. The Times, the Man, and his Work

Today’s free book is Richard S. Storrs biography of Bernard of Clairvaux. Bernard [1090 – 20 August 1153], was an influential figure in the Middle Ages, especially in the development and reform of monasticism. He was also active in Church councils and disputes as well as being an advocate of the Second Crusade.

This public domain work was digitised from the copy held in Spurgeon’s College library.

Richard Salter Storrs [1821-1900], Bernard of Clairvaux. The Times, the Man, and his Work. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1892. Hbk. pp.598. [Click here to visit the download page for this title]


  • Author’s Note
  1. The Tenth Century: Its Extreme Depression and Fear
  2. The Eleventh Century: its reviving Life and Promise
  3. Bernard of Clairvaux: his personal Characteristics
  4. Bernard of Clairvaux: in his Monastic Life
  5. Bernard of Clairvaux: as a Theologian
  6. Bernard of Clairvaux: as a Preacher
  7. Bernard of Clairvaux: in his Controversy with Abélard
  8. Bernard of Clairvaux: in his Relation to general European Affairs

Main image: Stained glass representing Bernard. Upper Rhine, ca. 1450. Source: Wikipedia

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