Iona Abbey

Churches in Britain Before 1,000 AD by Alfred Plummer

Today’s free title is Alfred Plummer’s 2-volume study of the church in Britain before 1,000 AD. This public domain title was digitised from the set held in Spurgeon’s College library. Alfred Plummer [1841-1926], The Churches in Britain Before A.D. 1000, 2 Vols. London: Robert Scott, 1911. Hbk. pp.205+264. [Click here to visit the download page…

British Churches Before Augustine of Canterbury

Three lectures on the earliest period of English Church History, before Augustine of Canterbury’s mission. Rev. G.F. Browne, formerly Professor of Archaeology at the University of Cambridge. My thanks to Book Aid for making this public domain title available for digitisation and to Hel-Hama for the superb SVG image (above). George Forrest Browne [1833-1930], The…

Seven Lectures on Medieval Missions by Thomas Smith D.D.

These seven lectures on medieval missions include within their scope material on Clovis and Clotilda, Paternus, Columba, Augustine of Canterbury, Aidan, Columbanus, Brunehilde, Boniface, Willebrord, Anskar and Ramon Llull. They appear on-line thanks to Redcliffe College, who recently asked me to digitise 1,000 mission books from their library. This book is in the Public Domain….