Life and Work of John Wycliffe by Dyson Hague

John Wycliffe

Over twenty-five years ago I wrote a short life of Wycliffe, as an historical study, taking pains to secure, as far as was possible, all the literature upon the subject that was available. Since that time important additions have been made to the fund of Wycliffe literature and, in bringing out this enlarged edition, I have endeavoured to secure all the light that could be thrown upon the character and career of this extraordinary man. The more I have investigated the efforts of his life and the sources of his energy and principles the more I have been impressed with the magnitude of his labours, and the obligation of England, England’s Church, and English Christians to the man who, over :five and a half centuries ago, stood forth as the protagonist of all those great principles which have made England great and the Reformation mighty.

Author’s Preface to the Second and Enlarged edition, p.ix

This public domain title was digitised from the copy held in Spurgeon’s College library.

Dyson Hague [1857-1935], The Life and Work of John Wycliffe, 2nd edn. London: The Church Book Room, 1935. Hbk. pp.200. [Click here to visit the download page for this title]


  • Original Preface (1909)
  • Preface to the Second and Enlarged Edition (1935)
  1. Introductory
  2. Wycliffe as a Nationalist
  3. Wycliffe as an ecclesiastical reformer
  4. Wycliffe as an anti-papal protestant
  5. Wycliffe as the doctrinal reformer
  6. Wyc;liffe’s poor preachers
  7. Wycliffe’s tracts and treatises
  8. Wycliffe’s Bible
  9. The closing years
  10. Wycliffe’s resurgent issue
  11. Wycliffe’s reaction to the reformation in Scotland
  12. Wycliffe’s teaching Church of England Protestantism in all its essential features
  13. Wycliffe’s exposure of Roman falsities
  14. The Lollards
  15. A summary
  • Epilogue

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