
124 Documents Relating to English Church History

124 Documents Relating to English Church History

Today's free book would prove useful to anyone doing any serious study on the history of the English church. It…

1 year ago

Dawn of the Reformation by H B Workman

Today's free title is Herbert B. Workman's 2 Volume set on Medieval Church History. They cover John Wylif and the…

3 years ago

Churches in Britain Before 1,000 AD by Alfred Plummer

Today's free title is Alfred Plummer's 2-volume study of the church in Britain before 1,000 AD. This public domain title…

3 years ago

Augustine the Missionary by Henry H Howorth

Today's free book is Henry H Howorth's classic study of the career of Augustine of Canterbury. This public domain title…

3 years ago

Saxon Church and the Norman Conquest – C T Cruttwell

Today's free book is a history of the Saxon Church in England before and after the Norman Conquest of 1066.…

3 years ago

English Monks and the Suppression of the Monasteries

Today's free book is Geoffrey Baskerville's study of English monks up the time of the supression of the monasteries. My…

3 years ago

British Churches Before Augustine of Canterbury

Map of the general outlines of some of the Anglo-Saxon peoples about 600. Source: Wikipedia Three lectures on the earliest…

6 years ago

Seven Lectures on Medieval Missions by Thomas Smith D.D.

These seven lectures on medieval missions include within their scope material on Clovis and Clotilda, Paternus, Columba, Augustine of Canterbury,…

8 years ago

Early English Church History

The following public domain book is now available on-line in PDF: William Bright [1824-1901], Chapters of Early English Church History,…

10 years ago