Augustine of Canterbury

Augustine of Canterbury by Edward L. Cutts

Augustine of Canterbury by Edward L. Cutts

Today's free book is Edward L. Cutts biography of Augustine of Canterbury. This public domain title was digitised from the…

2 years ago

Augustine the Missionary by Henry H Howorth

Today's free book is Henry H Howorth's classic study of the career of Augustine of Canterbury. This public domain title…

3 years ago

Augustine of Canterbury and His Companions: Four Lectures

Augustine of Canterbury. Image source: Wikipedia Commons Those interested in Augustine of Canterbury's mission to England will find this series…

4 years ago

Seven Lectures on Medieval Missions by Thomas Smith D.D.

These seven lectures on medieval missions include within their scope material on Clovis and Clotilda, Paternus, Columba, Augustine of Canterbury,…

8 years ago

History of Medieval Missions by George Maclear

George Maclear's History of the Christian Mission in the Middle Ages records the spread of Christianity in Europe and beyond…

8 years ago