
Introduction to the History of Christianity A.D. 590-1314 by F J Foakes Jackson

Introduction to the History of Christianity A.D. 590-1314 by F J Foakes Jackson

Today's free book is F J Foakes-Jackson's history of the Medieval Church, which covers the period 590-1314 AD. This public…

2 years ago

Dawn of the Reformation by H B Workman

Today's free title is Herbert B. Workman's 2 Volume set on Medieval Church History. They cover John Wylif and the…

3 years ago

History of the Schoolmen by Crewdson Thomas

Today's free book traces the history of the schools of philosophy from Plato through to the early Seventeenth Century. This…

3 years ago

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux by Samuel John Eales

Today's free book is a biography of Bernard of Clairvaux, part of The Fathers of the Church for English Readers…

3 years ago

St Bernard of Clairvaux by Richard S. Storrs

Today's free book is Richard S. Storrs biography of Bernard of Clairvaux. Bernard [1090 – 20 August 1153], was an…

3 years ago

Churches in Britain Before 1,000 AD by Alfred Plummer

Today's free title is Alfred Plummer's 2-volume study of the church in Britain before 1,000 AD. This public domain title…

3 years ago

English Monks and the Suppression of the Monasteries

Today's free book is Geoffrey Baskerville's study of English monks up the time of the supression of the monasteries. My…

3 years ago

English Monasteries in the Middle Ages

Today's free book is a detailed study of English monasteries which features 72 illustrations. My thanks to Book Aid for…

3 years ago

Saint Benedict and the Sixth Century

Saint Benedict [Image source: Wikipedia) Benedict of Nursia (480-543) was the founder of numerous monastic communities in Italy and is…

4 years ago

Sketches of Church History from 600 to 1300 AD by G.S.M. Walker

That the so-called "Dark Ages" contained a surprising amount of light soon becomes clear from the pages of this second…

6 years ago