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Peter Biller,
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Peter Biller,
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Caterina Bruschi, The Wandering Heretics of Languedoc. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Hbk. ISBN-13: 9780521182270. pp.232. |
Euen Cameron, The
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Euan Cameron, The Waldenses: Rejections of
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John T. Christian, A History of the Baptists. Together with Some Account of Their Principles and Practices. Nashville, TN: Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1922. Hbk. pp.408. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Morné Diedericks, Perspective on the Wladensians of the 16th Century from the letters of John Calvin," The Expository Times 1354.11 (August 2023): 479-489. |
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Alexis Muston, John Montgomery, translator, The Israel of the Alps: A Complete History of the Waldenses and Their
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Stephens, The Waldensian Story. A Study in Faith, Intolerance and
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