The Bible in the Medieval Church

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Primary Sources

Book or monograph S.L. Fristedt, The Wycliffe Bible 1 : The Principal Problems Connected with Forshall and Madden's edition. Stockholm, 1953.
Book or monograph S.L. Fristedt, The Wycliffe Bible 2: The Origin of the First Revision as Presented in De Salutaribus Documentis. Stockholm, 1969.
Book or monograph S.L. Fristedt, The Wycliffe Bible 3: Relationships of Trevisa and the Spanish medieval Bibles. Stockholm, 1973.
On-line Resource Hans Hermann Glunz [1907-1944], History of the Vulgate in England from Alcuin to Roger BaconHans Hermann Glunz [1907-1944], History of the Vulgate in England from Alcuin to Roger Bacon. Being an Inquiry into the Text of some English Manuscripts of the Vulgate Gospels. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1933. Hbk. pp.383. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]

Secondary Sources

Book or monograph Blowers; The Bible in Greek Christian AntiquityPaul M. Blowers, ed. The Bible in Greek Christian Antiquity. University of Notre Dame Press, 1997. Pbk. ISBN: 0268007020, pp.464.
Article in Journal or Book Leonard E. Boyle, "Innocent II and Vernacular Versions of Scripture," Katherine Walsh & Diana Wood, eds., The Bible in the Medieval World: Essays in Memory of Beryl Smalley, Studies in Church History, Subsidia 4. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1985. Hbk. ISBN: 0631142754. pp.97-107.
Article in Journal or Book J.A.B. van den Brink, "Bible and Biblical Theology in the Early Reformation; I," Scottish Journal of Theology 14 1961): 337-
Article in Journal or Book J.A.B. van den Brink, "Bible and Biblical Theology in the Early Reformation; II," Scottish Journal of Theology 15 1962): 50-
On-line Resource Geoffrey W. Bromiley, "The Church Doctrine of Inspiration," Carl F.H. Henry, ed., Revelation and the Bible. Contemporary Evangelical Thought. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1958 / London: The Tyndale Press, 1959. pp.205-217. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Book or monograph F.F. Bruce, The English Bible. A History of Translations From the Earliest English Versions, 3rd edn. Oxford: Lutterworth Press, 2002. Pbk. ISBN: 0718890310. pp.284.
Article in Journal or Book William W. Combs, "Erasmus and the Textus Receptus," Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal 1.1 (1996): 35-53.
Book or monograph Margaret Deanesly, The Lollard Bible and Other Medieval Biblical Versions. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought. Cambridge, 1920. Reprinted: New York: AMS Press, 1978. Hbk. ISBN: 0404161251.
Book or monograph Margaret Deanesly, Significance of the Lollard Bible. Athlone Press, 1951. Hbk. ISBN: 048514302X.
Book or monograph Roger Ellis, et al eds., The Medieval Translator: The Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 1989. Hbk. ISBN: 0859912841.
Book or monograph David C. Fowler, The Bible in Early English Literature. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1976. Hbk. ISBN: 0295954388. pp.263.
Article in Journal or Book S.L. Fristedt, "The dating of the earliest manuscript of the Wycliffite Bible," Stockholm Studies in Modern Philology, n.s. 1. Stockholm, 1960.
Book or monograph Ghosh: The Wycliffite HeresyKantik Ghosh, The Wycliffite Heresy: Authority and the Interpretation of Texts. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, No 45. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Hbk. ISBN: 0521807204. pp.326.
Book or monograph Hans Hermann Glunz, History of the Vulgate in England from Alcuin to Roger Bacon, Being an Inquiry into the Text of Some English Manuscripts of the Vulgate Gospels. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1933. pp. xx + 383.
Article in Journal or Book H. Hargreaves, "The Marginal Glosses to the Wycliffite New Testament," Studia Neophilologica 23 (1961): 385-300.
Article in Journal or Book Arthur G. Holder, "Bede and the Tradition of Patristic Exegesis," Anglican Theological Review 72.4 (1990): 399-411.
Book or monograph Michael P. Kuczynski, Prophetic Song: the Psalms as Moral Discourse in Late Medieval England, University Of Pennsylvania Press, Middle Ages Series. Philadelphia: University Of Pennsylvania Press, 1995. Hbk. ISBN: 0812232712. pp.292.
Article in Journal or Book The Cambridge History of the Bible, Vol. 2R. Loewe, "The Medieval History of the Latin Vulgate," G.W.H. Lampe, ed., The Cambridge History of the Bible, Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976. Pbk. ISBN: 0521290171. pp.102-54.
Book or monograph L F Lupton, History of the Geneva Bible: Trodden Thyme - Lollard Aftermath. Olive Tree, 1985. Hbk. ISBN: 0902093223.
Book or monograph Robert E. McNally, The Bible in the Early Middle Ages. Woodstock Papers, No. 4. Westminster, MD: 1959. Rerpined: Scholars Press, 1986. Pbk. ISBN: 0891309128. pp.121.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Meredith, "The Direct and Indirect Use of the Bible in Medieval English Drama," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 77.3 (1995): 61-77.
Article in Journal or Book Eugene H. Merrill, "Rashi, Nicholas De Lyra, and Christian Exegesis," Westminster Theological Journal 38.1 (1975): 66-79.
Article in Journal or Book Christopher Ocker, "Medieval Exegesis and the Origin of Hermeneutics," Scottish Journal of Theology 52.3 (1999): 328-345.
On-line Resource Parochus, "The Church and the Wyclifite Bible," Scripture 6 No. 3 (Jan. 1954): 79-83.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the Catholic Biblical Association (UK)]
Book or monograph Beryl Smalley, The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages, 3rd edn. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1983. Pbk. ISBN: 063113168X. pp.406.
Article in Journal or Book C. Stancliffe, "Early 'Irish' Biblical Exegesis," Studia Patristica 7, Texte und Untersuchungen 115 (1975): 361-70.
Book or monograph Brian Stock, The Implications of Literacy: Written Language and Models of Interpretation in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries. Princeton, 1983. Hbk. 0691053685. pp.604.
Article in Journal or Book Paul F. Stuehrenberg, "The Medieval Commentary Tradition: The Glossa Ordinaria, Hugh of St. Cher and Nicholas of Lyra and the Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages," Journal of Religious and Theological Information 1.2 (1993): 91-101.
Article in Journal or Book D.J Young, "Biblical Criticism in the Late Middle Ages," Expository Times 112.5 (2001): 155-161.
Article in Journal or Book Ronald Youngblood, "From Tatian to Swanson, From Calvin to Bendavid: The Harmonization Of Biblical History," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 25.4 (1982): 415-423.View in PDF format pdf

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