History of the Schoolmen
Ernest Crewdson Thomas [1876-1950]

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Book Description

History of the Schoolmen
Publication Year:
Williams & Norgate Ltd.
Thomas Aquinas, Peter Abelard, Duns Scotus, William of Ockham, Joachim of Fiore, Medieval Church History
Copyright Holder:
Public Domain

Ernest Crewdson Thomas [1876-1950], History of the Schoolmen.


  • Preface
  • Bibliography
  • Some Medieval-Latin Geographical Names
  • Abbreviations
  1. Early Greek Philosophers
  2. Plato
  3. Aristotle
  4. Epicurians—Stoics—Neo-Platonists—St Augustine
  5. Learning in Western Europe After the Fall of the Roman Empire
  6. UniversalsRealistsNominalists
  7. John Scot Erigena D. 877St Remi of Auxerre D. 876
  8. Logicians Ninth to Eleventh Centuries
  9. Realists
  10. Peter Abelard, D. 1142
  11. Realists
  12. Theologians
  13. John of Salisbury, 1115-1180, Historian
  14. The Arabians
  15. Canon LawThe Universities
  16. Effects of Further Works of Aristotle
  17. The Thirteenth Century
  18. Early Writers of the Thirteenth Century
  19. St. Albertus Magnus, 1193-1280Hugh Riplin, c. 1275
  20. St. Thomas Aquinas
  21. The Works of St. Thomas AquinasSumma Theologica and Allied Works
  22. The Works of St. Thomas AquinasDogmatic Theology
  23. ThomistsDominicans
  24. Thomists other than Dominicans
  25. Franciscans
  26. John Duns Scotus
  27. Further Franciscans and Scotists
  28. Nomimalists and Terminalists
  29. The Mystics
  30. Francisco Suarez
  31. Conclusion
  • Index

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