Wiclif and Hus
Von Johann Loserth [1846-1936]

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Book Description

Wiclif and Hus
Publication Year:
Hodder & Stoughton
Jan Hus, John Wycliffe, Medieval Church History
Copyright Holder:
Public Domain

Johann Loserth [1846-1936], Wiclif and Hus


  • Preface
  • Note by the Translator
  • Introduction
  1. Wiclifism in Bohemia Down to the Time of its Condemnation by the Council of Constance
    1. Condition of Ecclesiastical Affairs in Bohemia in the time of Charles IV
    2. The so-called Precursors of the Hnssite Movement
    3. The First Controversy on the Lord's Supper
    4. Wiclifism in Bohemia
    5. Wiclifite Currents and Counter-currents dming the years 1403–1409
    6. The Burning of Wiclif's Books
    7. The Controversy on Indulgences in Prague, of the year 1412
    8. Hus in Exile.—The Tractate concerning the Church.—Attempts at Union, and Eventual Triumph of Wiclifism
    9. Hus at Constance.—Condemnation of Wiclifism
  2. Wiclifism in the Writings of Hus
    1. The Three First Sections of Hus' Tractate De ecclesia, and their Source.—The Doctrine concerning-the Church.
    2. The Sections concerning the Head and the Members of the Church, in Hus' Tractate of the Church
    3. The Doctrine of the Papacy and of t\)e Power of the Keys, in the Dissertation concerning the Church
    4. Other Sources of the Tractate De ecclesia, and of the Tractates against Palecz, Stanislas of Znaim, and the Eight Doctors
    5. The Tractate of Hus De ablacione temporalium a clericis, and its Source
    6. The Tractate of Hus against the Papal Indulgence, and its Sources
    7. The Tractate De sex erroribus, and its Sources
    8. The Employment of other of Wiclif's Tractates by Hus
    9. Wiclifism in the Last Writings of Hus
    10. Some Observations on the Hussite Doctrine in its Relation to Wiclif
  • Appendix
    1. On the Number of Churches and Villages in Bohemia at the Beginning of the Fifteenth Century
    2. Extracts from the Book of Visitation of the Diocese of Prague (of the year 1379)
    3. On Konrad of Waldhausen
    4. On Mathias of Janow
    5. Notice having Reference to the Burning of Wiclif's Books
    6. The Defence of Certain Tractates of Wiclif, made by John H us, J acoh of Mies, Simon of Tissnow, Prokop of Pilsen, Zdislas of Zwierzeticz, and John of Giczin
      1. Jacob of Mies defends the Decalogue of John Wiclif
      2. Simon of Tissnow defends Wiclif's Tractate De probacionibus proposicionum
      3. Prokop of Pilsen defends Wiclif's Tractate De ideis
      4. Zdislas of Zwierzeticz defends Wiclif's Tractate De Universalilbus
      5. Selections from the Defence made by John of Giezin
    7. Concerning the Appeal of Hus to the Pope
    8. The Letter of Benessius Pr.edicator, to John Hus
    9. Letter of Stanislas of Znaim to Katharina, Widow of Peter of Krawar, called, "of Plumnow "
    10. The Recantation of Peter of St. Clement
    11. A Chronicler's Notice on the Ejection from the Windows (of the Town Hall) in 1419
    12. The Missa Wicleflstarum (Invectives against the \'Viclifites in Bohemia)
  • Supplementary
  • Index

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