Pope John the Twenty-Third and Master John Hus of Bohemia
Eustace John Kitts [1851-1925]

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Book Description

John the Twenty-Third and Master John Hus of Bohemia
Publication Year:
Constable and Company Ltd.
Anti-pope John 23rd, Jan Hus, Medieval Church History
Copyright Holder:
Public Domain

Eustace John Kitts [1851-1925], Pope John the Twenty-Third and Master John Hus of Bohemia


  • The Introduction
  • List of Cardinals
  • Memorandum of Abbreviations
  • List of Illustrations
  1. The New Pope
  2. John Hus
  3. Three Popes and Three Emperors
  4. Sigismund
  5. Rocca Secca
  6. A Creation of Cardinals
  7. The Council at Rome
  8. The War with Venice
  9. The Flight from Rome
  10. The Convocation of the Great Council
  11. Preliminary Negociations
  12. The Journey to Constance
  13. Constance
  14. The Council Before Christmas, 1414
  15. Rex Super Grammaticam
  16. The Question of Resignation
  17. The Flight
  18. Through the Black Forest
  19. The Deposition of Pope John
  20. The Trial of John Hus
  21. The Conclusion of the Trial
  22. Martyrdom
  23. The Beadle of the Empire
  24. The Last Days of Baldassare Cossa
  • Index

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